The Development of Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Pharmacy Programme in English (Pharma5.0)
Project title:
The Development of Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Pharmacy Programme in English (Pharma5.0)
European Social Found (ESF)
Short description of the project:
The Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University of Zagreb is the leading scientific and educational institution in the Republic of Croatia in the area of Biomedicine and health, the field of Pharmacy. The Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry educates masters of pharmacy who represent a necessary link in the provision of health care and are also actively involved in research, development and production of medicinal products as one of the financially most significant areas of research, development and industry in Croatia (Smart Specialization Strategy 2016-2020), EU and globally.
The Faculty has been successfully conducting the integrated undergraduate and graduate studies in pharmacy and medical biochemistry, postgraduate doctoral and 6 specialist studies. According to the analysis conducted by the Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education, high school students with the highest results on the State Matura are enrolling to the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, which is the proof of a great interest in this study programme. Our PhD programme has been awarded the ‘High Quality’ label. The Faculty disposes of the appropriate equipment for teaching and research, and invests significant efforts in continuous improvement of the infrastructure.
In spite of numerous inquiries, a relatively small number of foreign students has achieved incoming mobility at the Faculty. The reason for this is the insufficient number of courses available in English.
The Pharma5.0 project will result in a high-quality contemporary study of pharmacy provided in the English language. The pharmacy study programme in English (MPharm) will improve the development of the academic community and the pharmaceutical profession in the Republic of Croatia.
Objectives and expected results of the project:
The objectives of the Pharma5.0 project are to develop a high-quality modern study of pharmacy in English, strengthen linguistic competencies of the staff, develop didactic materials and promote the study programme. The introduction of the proposed study programme lays the foundation for long-term internationalization.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry
The Institute for the Development of Education
Total value of the project:
1.762.889,53 HRK
The value of the eu co-financing:
1.762.889,53 HRK (100%)
36 months
October 12, 2018 – October 12, 2021
Professor Ana Mornar Turk, PhD
Professor Jasmina Lovrić, PhD
Professor Zrinka Rajić, PhD
Ivan Biruš, PhD

Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu