Student experiences
"The initial reason why I decided to work in a lab was my interest in pharmaceutical analysis. I also wanted to test if science is the right fit for me. Once I’ve got used to working in a lab, that curiosity transferred to daily experiments and became my source of motivation for all the hard work. During my time in the lab, my colleagues were always ready to give advice and good company. During those few months of practice, I've learned much more than I expected."
Natan Koraj
4th year student
"I find that my role as a university professor exceeds the primary teaching mission and extends to supporting our students in finding their career paths, encouraging them to follow their dreams, and shape them into future professional experts, valuable members of the community and even future leaders. Many students want to explore the possibility of working on a research project, and this experience is an excellent opportunity for them to consider a career in science. "
Miranda Sertić
Associate Professor, Natan’s mentor

"I decided to conduct a scientific research at my faculty because it is something I want to do in the future. In this way, I gained the necessary experience and learned about the process. I was able to combine the research with my internship in a community pharmacy. Research while being a student is essential for anyone planning to enrol in a PhD program, so I strongly recommend it."
Elizabeta Paar
5th year student
"I decided to start scientific research because of my interest in the field of clinical pharmacy. The research was at the same time challenging and exciting. I find the whole experience very useful and motivating. The skills I have improved by doing this research are focus, patience and attention. I would definitely recommend it to students who are driven to learn constantly."
Eleonora De Lai
4th year student